How to Use in medias res in a Sentence
in medias res
The new Kurt Vile album begins, like many great yarns, in medias res.
—Simon Vozick-Levinson, Rolling Stone, 13 Apr. 2022
The film opens in medias res, with lifelong best friends Kevin (Abbott) and Val (Carmichael) about to shoot each other in the head outside of a strip club at 10 in the morning.
—Katie Walsh, Los Angeles Times, 13 May 2022
The book begins in medias res, tossing the reader into the postwar mêlée of a rapidly shapeshifting New York.
—Jamie Hood, Vulture, 15 Dec. 2021
Doerr likes to start in medias res, and then to go back to the origins of his stories and work forward again (or forward and backward and forward again, in alternation).
—James Wood, The New Yorker, 27 Sep. 2021
Yes, most shows that begin in medias res and then jump back are incredibly annoying.
—Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 19 Oct. 2021
The pandemic has jammed the churn of social life, pausing human interaction in medias res.
—Doreen St. Félix, The New Yorker, 23 Mar. 2020
This poem by Lyudmyla Khersonsky begins in medias res with a dead body rather than the death itself, followed by a pile of urgent questions.
—New York Times, 20 May 2022
But the loss of greater context feels worrisomely like an in medias res contrivance, a way to ramp up the energy level before the story leisurely unfolds.
—Darren Franich,, 4 May 2021
The in medias res opening at the Kabul airport imposes a sense of inevitability on the documentary.
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Sep. 2022
In fact, as critic Alan Sepinwall recently noted in Rolling Stone, a lot of shows have been adopting this technique lately: opening in medias res, then quickly doing a time jump to start filling in the blanks.
—Jen Chaney, Vulture, 31 Mar. 2021
Adjusting in medias res in such a way is easily done in Morocco, compared with Europe or America.
—Mark Ellwood, Robb Report, 31 July 2021
The writers and director team attempted to tell the story in an interesting way, dropping us in media res into Carol’s life on Hala and keeping both her and the audience in the dark about her former life.
—Kendra James, Harper's BAZAAR, 9 Mar. 2019
The effect is to give the audience a little hint of in medias res characterization, before returning to the exposition-heavy Act One.
—Josephine Livingstone, The New Republic, 24 Apr. 2018
Economical as always, the Dardennes kick off the story almost in medias res, with a lot of drama already done, dusted and absorbed into the characters’ background.
—Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 May 2022
The technique, which later won Dubochet and his collaborators a Nobel Prize, transforms water molecules into glasslike ice, in effect stopping life in medias res.
—James Somers, The New Yorker, 28 Feb. 2022
The chronologically slip-sliding story begins in medias res, and joltingly so, as an attractive middle-aged woman seduces an older man in a heaving Dakar bar.
—Guy Lodge, Variety, 26 Oct. 2022
Douglas-Fairhurst’s biography, stuffed with a curiosity shop’s worth of literary gossip and Victoriana, begins with the author in medias res.
—Charlie Tyson, The Atlantic, 15 Mar. 2022
The resulting transcripts of their conversations, usually beginning in medias res, are masterpieces of comic incoherence and pop up now and again throughout the novel.
—Katherine A. Powers, WSJ, 20 Sep. 2018
The in medias res beginning followed by a backward time jump has basically become modern television’s standard storytelling device.
—Jen Chaney, Vulture, 9 July 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'in medias res.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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